Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blog for 3/26 "On Dumpster Diving"

After reading "On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner explain how a dumpster is an alternative archive. Give an example of another alternative archive that could be useful to your research project. Explain why.

Remember to comment on at least one classmates post.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog for 3/19

We have been discussing how to interview in doing your field work as well as the importance of being a good listener, paying attention to body language, and surroundings. In "An Anthropologist on Mars" give two examples of how Sacks uses these interview techniques and how they are important to the essay. Be sure to use direct quotes and be detailed in your analysis. Rember to respond to at least one classmate.

In addition, please list one person (who they are/role) that you are planning on interviewing at your site and three questions you want to ask. Be sure to respond to at least two classmates and provide advice on how they can improve their questions.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog for 3/5

What are your final thoughts on All Souls? How do you think reading this book can help you with your ethnographic project?

Don't forget to respond to at least one classmate.